Saturday, June 11, 2005

Episode 1 - Jie and Mang

In the Sacred Heart Ophanage, comes a newcomer. She is blind, and has just been discovered outside the orphanage. With her contained a note indicating that she is 4-year-old. From then on, she's destinied to be looked down and bullied by the others. She is nicknamed Mang2, which means blind, in chinese.

1 month has passed. 5 months. 1 year. Yet her fate did not change. This day, she was cleaning up after eating. A group of children that often bully Mang2 came up to her n gave her a push, causing her to drop her plates n break them.

"See what you've done? Can't even hold a few plates properly. Pathetic." One of the boys sneered.

"Wh....What do you want? Why do you people enjoy torturing people?" Mang stammered as she moved backwards.

"We don't enjoy torturing people. We only enjoy torturing you." One of other children sneered. They pushed Mang onto the floor n kicked her with all their might. Poor Mang tried fighting back, but she did not know they r at which direction.

"We are all orphans! Why do you all despise me! I only can't see! But that was not my fault! Let me off....Please..." Mang cried.

"Stop it! You cruel orphans!" A voice shouted. The children stopped. It was a boy who shouted at them. He looked strong and his eyes shone with anger.

"Oh no! That's Jie Ge(brother)! Let's run!" They murmured amongst themselves. Jie, is an orphan that is left outside of the orphanage a month ago. His agressive temper is well-known throughout the orphanage. Seeing that the children have gone, Jie walked towards Mang. Her whole body is full of bruises and some of it are even bleeding. She hugged her knees tightly as Jie approached her.

"Are you okay?" Jie asked gently as he helped her up. Mang nodded. What Jie and Mang did not know was, this little kind act leads to the deep friendship which comes. Both of them had the similar characters yet different attitude towards life. Mang, though is blind, remains positive and believe that the world is a beautiful place. Jie, however, did not agree. In his world, it is full of sufferings and hardships, fights and torture. As both of them knew each other better, Jie was slowly turned into a better person. They thought that their friendship will stay forever. Unfortunately, it did not.

*~ Next Chapter ~*


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