Friday, August 26, 2005

Episode 5 - Heaven's Trick

Stephanie skipped joyfully as she held her precious letter in her hand. It had been long since she had last written a letter for her mother. Her father, Jack, looked at her with an amused look. It is rare that the child is so fillial. She was always happy when she writes to her mother. Even when, she knew the truth. This child has the heart of an angel. He nods in agreement to his judgement.

"Daddy, I'm off!" Stephanie calls as she leaves the house.

"Be careful of the cars Steph! There are a lot of reckless drivers out there!" Jack did not know why he added the last sentence. Maybe, he can foresee the future. Touch wood! He thought. Nothing will be wrong.

As Stephanie was about to set off, she found that one of her shoes' mouth was slightly cracked open. Strange, I took great care of it, how could the mouth crack open? Maybe tomorrow then I should sent the letter. Stephanie thought. No, I'll sent the letter and then repair the shoes on the way back. Decided to do so, Stephanie left the house with her letter tightly grasped in her hands.

While waiting to cross the zebra-crossing, Stephanie placed the letter on her palms and smiled. Her mother will be so glad to receive her letter. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew and the letter was blown away. Without thinking she rushed after it, and managed to hold on to it after walking forward a couple of steps. As she turned, she saw a sports car speeding towards her. "Bang!!!" She flew backwards and landed on the road. She heard the car skidded to a brake.

"My......letter...." she muttered as she held on to the letter tighter, and lost conscious.

Outside the operation room, Steven walked to and fro the corridor. Why is it that there are not a single thing with her that shows her identity? Is it because she did not bring? How am I going to informed her parents? Steven's head was filled with questions. Most importantly, would the comic-girl be all right? He watched her pale white and blue dress slowly turned red on the way speeding towards the hospital. She do not look like she could survive.

The door of the operation room opened.

"Doctor, is she all right? Is she alive?" Steven asked as he rushed towards the doctor.

"Yes, she's alive." Steven heaved a sigh a relief. "However, how did the accident affect her, I'm afraid we'll only know when she wakes up." Steven, worried, rushed to comic-girl's ward. There she lay on the bed, with her head bandaged. Steven felt a tap on his shoulders.

"She was holding this tightly when she was pushed into the operation room. But we managed to extract it out." The nurse said as she handed the letter to Steven and left the room. Clutching the letter in his hand, Steven looked worriedly at comic-girl.

The next day, just as Steven thought comic-girl would never wake up, out of the corner of his eyes he saw the fingers move. Her eyes slowly opened and blinked profusely, trying to get used to the bright surroundings. Soon, her eyes landed on Steven, looking at him confusedly.

"Ehh...I'm Steven, from your school." Steven awkwardly starts the conversation.

"Huh? What school? Do I have a school?" The comic-girl asked, even more confused.

"Huh? You....You don't know your school?" Steven stammered. "Oh my God, please let this be a dream." He muttered under his breath. Just then, the doctor entered.

"Congratulations. You have finally awaken. May I ask for your name so that the nurse can help you register and contact your family?"

"Huh? name name is....." The comic-girl scratched her head. "I can't remember!" Steven was shocked. Seeing Steven's expression, the doctor told him to wait outside the ward whilst he and the nurses check on the comic-girl. After a couple of minutes, the doctor ushered to Steven, who sat in a daze on a chair, as he leaves the ward.

"According to our observation, we think that it is very likely that the patient had lost her memory due to her severe brain concussion. Furthermore, she might also turn very forgetful and have a very bad memory. However, as her health was not much affected, the patient can be discharged and brought home to rest." The doctor informed Steven.

Discharge? Go home? He did not even know the comic-girl's name, how could he know where her home is? Steven thought as he entered the ward. The comic-girl had hopped down the bed and was admiring the scenary out of the ward's window.

"Hey, the doctor said you could be discharged. Any idea where you live?" Steven asked as he sighed.

"Huh? What doctor?" The comic-girl asked, confused again.

"The doctor who checked you just now lah!"

"Did any doctor checked me? How come I don't know? When did he checked me?"

"Not even 5 minutes ago! Don't tell me you forgot!"

"Yeah...I forgot." The comic-girl mumbled.

"Argh! I bet you don't even know what my name is!" Steven shot back, exasperated.

"I know! Your name is Steven! Correct?" Looking at Steven shocked face, she grinned broadly.

"Are you trying to fool me?!?!?!"

"Fool you for what?" The comic-girl asked, confused.

"Don't tell me you forgot what happened not even a minute ago??!?!?!?"

"Huh? What happened?" The comic-girl asked, even more confused.

"Oh my God, what am I to do with HER?" Steven muttered.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Episode 4 - Angel strikes again.

That day, Steven could not concentrate (though he never did). He kept trying to recall where he had seen the comic-girl, the name he invented for her as he did not know what her name is. Before realising, he dozed off. In his dream, he saw that comic-girl, wearing a white dress. She looked like a angel, but he did not believe in angels, not after she left.

"Bang!" Steven almost jumped out of his skin as he looked up. His extremely boring History teacher glared sharply at him.

"What in the world do you think you are doing, sleeping in MY class?!?!?!?" she screeched. What a witch, Steven thought, or he thought he thought in his mind, but in fact, he had said it out loud, causing the whole class to burst into laughter.

"SHUT UP!!!" She was practically screaming. "You!" She pointed to Steven with her index finger. "Get out of my class, NOW!!!".

"Whatever." Steven commented as he packed his bag and walked lazily out of the class and went straight home to continue his beauty sleep.

Just as he enters the door, he could hear his mother stomping towards him. Oops oh.

"Steven! You are finally back!" His mother started. "Did you know what wrong did you do? How could you sleep in class? You've hurt your poor teacher's feelings, you know?" His mother nagged, following Steven to his room, and see him plopped down on bed.

"Don't act as if there's nothing wrong with that! Running away from school is no small matter, do you understand?!?!" His mother continues.

"That witch told me to leave her class leh." Steven mumbled.

"I heard that! Why can't you respect your teachers once in a while? This is not the first them they've called here, you should know." His mother endlessly nagged on. Steven, feeling very annoyed. got up from his bed and marched out of his house, retrieving his sports car and left the house.

"Steven! Steven where are you going!" His mother shouts after him. "When will this boy learn?" She mumbled.

The more Steven thought about his mother's nagging, the more annoyed he got. The more annoyed he got, he faster speed he drove. "Why can't they give me a break?" Steven grunted. Suddenly, a person ran in front of his car.

"Bang!!!" Steven suddenly brake and leapt out of the car. The victim had flew forward due to the large impact when she collided with his sports car's. When he sprinted towards the victim, he froze. There, lying in a pool of blood, was the comic-girl.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Episode 3 - When the Angel meets the Devil

' 10 years later '

All would have been normal if that two days had not been that strange. It was the last day of school and early in the morning, just as Stephanie was about to enter the school building, a bucket of cold water splashed onto her from the top of the building. Lifting her head, she saw two mischievious looking girls sneering at her. Shaking her waist length slightly curlled hair and adjusting her nerdy-looking spectacles, she walks straight into the girls toilet without a word. Since she came to this school, pranks had been happened so often to people like her. People like her, who looks nerdy. Strange as it was, good-looking students never met these mischaps. Unless they snatched some bully's stead. Being poured cold water was so usual that Stephanie never got into a temper.

Drying her hair, Stephanie exited her cubicle. Just as she was about to tie her air into to pony tails, a group of ah lians entered the toilet. Looking at their expressions, Stephanie was sure that they want to do something to her. Holding up a scissors, one of them sneered,

"This, is to teach you to show off your long hair!" Just as they prepared to surround Stephanie, the latter gave them a powerful kick and sped out of the toilet, holding her hair in two ponytails.

"Chase!" the leader of the group screeched. A chase started. Though running, Stephanie never forgot to create obstacles for her chasers. Chairs n benches were all around the floor, and chopsticks, forks and spoons were thrown to the group of raging bullies. Just as Stephanie turned around to take a look at her chasers, she bumped onto someone. As she fell, she felt a pair of strong arms held onto her. As she glanced up, she saw the school bully, Steven, looking at her with a pair of amused eyes. Unlike the drama series in the television, she did not froze in his arms, nor did she felt the whole world turned around. Instead, she let out a terrifying shriek as she jumped up from his arms and continue running. As she ran, she fumble out her spectacles from pocket n put them on before speeding out of the school.

"Stop!" The leader of the breathless group raised her hand. "She'll get it from us when she turns up tomorrow." True, no matter what, Stephanie has to return to school. A dramatic show of a chase ended, and after everything was placed back in order, everything seems to be back to normal again. Yet, someone still felt astounded about the incident. Just as he was walking across the canteen, he saw a long-hair figure speeding towards him. He had not have the time to realise what had happened when someone bumped onto him. Naturally, he reached out his hands and held on to the figure. When he looked down, he saw a pair of large eyes staring at him, before letting out a scream and sped off. As he watched the comic figure sped off, with her hairs breezing behind her as she looked for something in her pocket, he felt strange. Why is it that she looked so familiar?

*~ Next Chapter ~*

Monday, June 27, 2005

Episode 2 - Time to separate

It happened one day in the spring, while the children were enjoying the joyious spring. Mang was sent for by the nun. Curious, Jie went with them to the nun's office. As Mang enters, she is introduced to a young couple. Soon, it was all understood. The young couple was there to adopt Mang. They did not mind that she was blind as the woman was a eye surgeon and was sure that her eyes could be treated.

Though the offer seemed tempting, Mang refused to leave the orphanage. There is only one reason. She could not be with Jie any longer. He was her one and only friend. She does not want to lose such a precious friendship. On the other hand, understanding the situation, Jie was confused. He does not want to Mang to leave him, yet he was happy that there is a chance of recovery for her. Finally, he made the painful decision. He decided to persuade Mang to leave with the couple. When Mang heard about this, she was crushed. She had wanted to be able to see the wonderful world. However, leaving the orphanage was a painful decision. In order to let Mang leave, Jie threatens not to speak to her if she did not leave. Facing Jie's threats, Mang sadly agreed.

The day before Mang set off, she made her last conversation with Jie.

" Mang, take care of yourself. When being bullied, don't just stand there. You must resist, promise? I.....I won't be there to fight off the bad guys, you know." Jie says sadly and turn away as a tear escapes from his eyes.

"I will. You should worry for yourself. Don't be depressed and shut yourself from the others, okay?" Mang replied as she nodded sadly.

" We will meet again, won't we?"

"Yes. Heaven will be kind and fate will bring us together someday." Mang answered determinedly.

The next day, Mang left with the couple sorrowfully. After recovering her eyesight some time later, she returned to the orphanage to find Jie, devastated to find out that he has been adopted. The thought of them meeting again seems impossible. At least, that was how they thought.

*~ Next Chapter ~*

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Episode 1 - Jie and Mang

In the Sacred Heart Ophanage, comes a newcomer. She is blind, and has just been discovered outside the orphanage. With her contained a note indicating that she is 4-year-old. From then on, she's destinied to be looked down and bullied by the others. She is nicknamed Mang2, which means blind, in chinese.

1 month has passed. 5 months. 1 year. Yet her fate did not change. This day, she was cleaning up after eating. A group of children that often bully Mang2 came up to her n gave her a push, causing her to drop her plates n break them.

"See what you've done? Can't even hold a few plates properly. Pathetic." One of the boys sneered.

"Wh....What do you want? Why do you people enjoy torturing people?" Mang stammered as she moved backwards.

"We don't enjoy torturing people. We only enjoy torturing you." One of other children sneered. They pushed Mang onto the floor n kicked her with all their might. Poor Mang tried fighting back, but she did not know they r at which direction.

"We are all orphans! Why do you all despise me! I only can't see! But that was not my fault! Let me off....Please..." Mang cried.

"Stop it! You cruel orphans!" A voice shouted. The children stopped. It was a boy who shouted at them. He looked strong and his eyes shone with anger.

"Oh no! That's Jie Ge(brother)! Let's run!" They murmured amongst themselves. Jie, is an orphan that is left outside of the orphanage a month ago. His agressive temper is well-known throughout the orphanage. Seeing that the children have gone, Jie walked towards Mang. Her whole body is full of bruises and some of it are even bleeding. She hugged her knees tightly as Jie approached her.

"Are you okay?" Jie asked gently as he helped her up. Mang nodded. What Jie and Mang did not know was, this little kind act leads to the deep friendship which comes. Both of them had the similar characters yet different attitude towards life. Mang, though is blind, remains positive and believe that the world is a beautiful place. Jie, however, did not agree. In his world, it is full of sufferings and hardships, fights and torture. As both of them knew each other better, Jie was slowly turned into a better person. They thought that their friendship will stay forever. Unfortunately, it did not.

*~ Next Chapter ~*


Steven aka Jie2 - Rich, yet have no sense of what is happiness.
Stephanie aka Mang2 - Only child. Turned very forgetful due to an accident.
Kenneth - Best friend of Steven, Stephanie's secret admirer, was Stephanie's guarding angel
Joyce - Steven's girlfriend
May - Good friend of Stephanie, guarding angel of Kenneth

Forewords // Summary

NOTE: tis is simply a fictional story so if there's any similarities, i sincerely apologise. =)


It all happened on that fateful day. Stephanie met an accident and due to the brain concussion, she became very forgetful. Steven, who knocked her down, felt guilty and decided to help her recover, as he was the only name and person the former could remember. Being forgetful, Stephanie could easily forget any unhappiness and her positive character eventually affected the repulsive and cold Steven.

Kenneth, who secretly admired Stephanie, knew they were impossible but strived to guard her from all dangers. May, Stephanie's best friend, secretly admired Kenneth, was heartbroken to see Kenneth in love with her friend who took not much of a notice of him and decided to stay by his side. Joyce, who Steven admired and eventually became his girlfriend, do not believe that friendship exists between a male and female, was jealous at Steven and Stephanie's good friendship, and tried ways breaking them up, ending up being disliked and looked down on, and eventually was psychologically tortured.

Stephanie regained her memory but hid it from Steven, until the day she leave for France...