Monday, August 22, 2005

Episode 4 - Angel strikes again.

That day, Steven could not concentrate (though he never did). He kept trying to recall where he had seen the comic-girl, the name he invented for her as he did not know what her name is. Before realising, he dozed off. In his dream, he saw that comic-girl, wearing a white dress. She looked like a angel, but he did not believe in angels, not after she left.

"Bang!" Steven almost jumped out of his skin as he looked up. His extremely boring History teacher glared sharply at him.

"What in the world do you think you are doing, sleeping in MY class?!?!?!?" she screeched. What a witch, Steven thought, or he thought he thought in his mind, but in fact, he had said it out loud, causing the whole class to burst into laughter.

"SHUT UP!!!" She was practically screaming. "You!" She pointed to Steven with her index finger. "Get out of my class, NOW!!!".

"Whatever." Steven commented as he packed his bag and walked lazily out of the class and went straight home to continue his beauty sleep.

Just as he enters the door, he could hear his mother stomping towards him. Oops oh.

"Steven! You are finally back!" His mother started. "Did you know what wrong did you do? How could you sleep in class? You've hurt your poor teacher's feelings, you know?" His mother nagged, following Steven to his room, and see him plopped down on bed.

"Don't act as if there's nothing wrong with that! Running away from school is no small matter, do you understand?!?!" His mother continues.

"That witch told me to leave her class leh." Steven mumbled.

"I heard that! Why can't you respect your teachers once in a while? This is not the first them they've called here, you should know." His mother endlessly nagged on. Steven, feeling very annoyed. got up from his bed and marched out of his house, retrieving his sports car and left the house.

"Steven! Steven where are you going!" His mother shouts after him. "When will this boy learn?" She mumbled.

The more Steven thought about his mother's nagging, the more annoyed he got. The more annoyed he got, he faster speed he drove. "Why can't they give me a break?" Steven grunted. Suddenly, a person ran in front of his car.

"Bang!!!" Steven suddenly brake and leapt out of the car. The victim had flew forward due to the large impact when she collided with his sports car's. When he sprinted towards the victim, he froze. There, lying in a pool of blood, was the comic-girl.


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