Sunday, July 24, 2005

Episode 3 - When the Angel meets the Devil

' 10 years later '

All would have been normal if that two days had not been that strange. It was the last day of school and early in the morning, just as Stephanie was about to enter the school building, a bucket of cold water splashed onto her from the top of the building. Lifting her head, she saw two mischievious looking girls sneering at her. Shaking her waist length slightly curlled hair and adjusting her nerdy-looking spectacles, she walks straight into the girls toilet without a word. Since she came to this school, pranks had been happened so often to people like her. People like her, who looks nerdy. Strange as it was, good-looking students never met these mischaps. Unless they snatched some bully's stead. Being poured cold water was so usual that Stephanie never got into a temper.

Drying her hair, Stephanie exited her cubicle. Just as she was about to tie her air into to pony tails, a group of ah lians entered the toilet. Looking at their expressions, Stephanie was sure that they want to do something to her. Holding up a scissors, one of them sneered,

"This, is to teach you to show off your long hair!" Just as they prepared to surround Stephanie, the latter gave them a powerful kick and sped out of the toilet, holding her hair in two ponytails.

"Chase!" the leader of the group screeched. A chase started. Though running, Stephanie never forgot to create obstacles for her chasers. Chairs n benches were all around the floor, and chopsticks, forks and spoons were thrown to the group of raging bullies. Just as Stephanie turned around to take a look at her chasers, she bumped onto someone. As she fell, she felt a pair of strong arms held onto her. As she glanced up, she saw the school bully, Steven, looking at her with a pair of amused eyes. Unlike the drama series in the television, she did not froze in his arms, nor did she felt the whole world turned around. Instead, she let out a terrifying shriek as she jumped up from his arms and continue running. As she ran, she fumble out her spectacles from pocket n put them on before speeding out of the school.

"Stop!" The leader of the breathless group raised her hand. "She'll get it from us when she turns up tomorrow." True, no matter what, Stephanie has to return to school. A dramatic show of a chase ended, and after everything was placed back in order, everything seems to be back to normal again. Yet, someone still felt astounded about the incident. Just as he was walking across the canteen, he saw a long-hair figure speeding towards him. He had not have the time to realise what had happened when someone bumped onto him. Naturally, he reached out his hands and held on to the figure. When he looked down, he saw a pair of large eyes staring at him, before letting out a scream and sped off. As he watched the comic figure sped off, with her hairs breezing behind her as she looked for something in her pocket, he felt strange. Why is it that she looked so familiar?

*~ Next Chapter ~*